
Aminomax (Compound Amino Acids)

Aminomax is obtained from hydrolyzed protein, containing 17 types of free amino acids which have water solubility and very stable chemical properties with average molecular weight less than 1000.

Aminomax helps plant in many ways e.g participate in protein synthesis of plant, increases chlorophyll  content in plant, chelates micronutrients, acts as activator of phyto-hormones, increases pollen germination rate and length of pollen tube and strengthens cell wall.

Foliar Application: 250 ml/acre.
Drip Application: 500ml/acre

Maxi Gold (Sea Weed Concentrate)

Maxigold is seaweed extracts with high nitrogen content. It helps buffer nutrients available in seaweed. It is non-toxic and non-polluting and rich in minor elements and natural growth promoting hormones.

Maxigold enhances stress tolerance, improves growth and development, strengthens natural plant defense, improves microorganism activity in treated soil, act as nutrient base for plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, improves root system development and increases nutrient uptake through root.

Foliar Application:
Drip Application: 500 ml/acre

Warranty (Humic Acid Extract)

Warranty , a new generation certified bio organic concentrated humic  acid extract from young active leonardite mine. Presented as fine powder/ flakes or soluble liquid, with a wide span of pH value.

Warranty some of the benefits offered like, stimulates plant growth (increase biomass production) by increasing mitochondrial respiration, converts vegetative growth process to reproduction process by channelizing plant hormone and enzyme systems, prevents premature aging of crop by maintain proper nourishment of the tissues, increases yield and improves quality of plants, improves the effectiveness of pesticides.

Foliar Application – 25g/acre, Drip Application – 100g/acre
Foliar Application – 250ml/acre, Drip Application – 500ml/acre
Gr: Soil Application – 5kg/acre

Wonder Zyme (Premium Zyme Compound)

Wonder Zyme is a potent combination of seaweed concentrate, compound amino acids and Humate complex. The Compound amino acid is obtained from hydrolyzed protein, containing 17 types of free amino acids which have water solubility and very stable chemical properties with the averages molecular wight less than 1000.

Wonder Zyme increases yield and improves quality, reinforces photosynthesis and respiration enhance immunity which result in healthy growth, stimulate enzyme system and activate its processes, promote root system development in seedlings and improved nutrient uptake in plant.

SL: Foliar Application -250ml/acre Drip Application -500ml/acre
Gr: Soil Application -5kg/acre